The Firm’s members’ exposure to clients’ growth, innovations and development practices in petroleum, gas, electricity and mining industries, water and agricultural value chain subsectors, and renewable energy initiatives positions them to offer wide range of legal services including giving advice, review, vetting, drafting agreements and instruments from regulator and operator perspectives; offer dispute resolution services for the benefit of the Firm’s clients. It also includes review and interpretation of regulatory laws. Particularly, the Firm offers its services to operators in the upstream sector, through the midstream to the downstream and marginal field sectors in Oil and Gas Industry.
The Firm’s services are also extended to operators in Solid Minerals Industry, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution in the Electricity and Renewable Energy subsectors.
The Firm also reaches out to regulators and operators including producers, processors, marketers and retailers in the Water, Agricultural and Food Value Chain Sectors of the economy by assisting operators in facilitating access to lands and machineries, advising operators on regulations on Food Quality Assurance, negotiating and closing deals on land transactions, negotiating, drafting and advising on commercial food contracts involving procurement of raw materials, food-processing and technology, food market expansion, franchising, and exportation all geared towards boosting quality production and availability, and increasing revenue base of farmers & SMEs.
In consonance with Global Best Practices, the Firm encourages and advises Clients on the need to comply with environmentally friendly legislations and policies; and it also offers guidelines and assistance to clients on issues of environmental protection regulations, and managing communities’ issues.